Category: News

Am I at High Risk for Prostate Cancer?

Am I at high risk for prostate cancer? This is a question many middle-aged men ask their urologists. You know it’s out there, and wonder if you are one of the unfortunate men who will get it. If you are a man and you’re getting older, then yes, you are already at risk, but what makes for high risk?

If you or a loved one is battling prostate cancer, expert care is crucial. Trust the expertise of our board-certified urologist Andrew Neeb. Schedule a consultation at our urology clinic in Bend, OR now by requesting an appointment online.

3 Main Established Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

There are three well-known and identified risk factors for prostate cancer. If you fall into this group, you should be more aware of screenings and ways to mitigate some of the lesser risk factors.

man talking to doctor.

They include the following:

  1. Getting older is a prime risk factor. Once a man reaches age 65, the risk increases. 60% of diagnosed prostate cancer occurs in men over 65.
  2. Prostate cancer is the most inheritable cancer. 58% is driven by family association or genetics. If a brother or father had it, you are twice as likely to get it. If 2 or more relatives had cancer, you are four times more likely, and the likelihood increases if your relative was diagnosed before age 60. In addition, certain gene mutations can increase the risk factors.
  3. Being an African American puts you at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Black men are about 75% more likely to get prostate cancer than white men, and twice as likely to die.

One other risk factor is smoking. Smoking affects your whole body including the prostate. It raises the risk of more aggressive and recurrent cancers and increases the chances of dying from prostate cancer.

This is a pretty clear indication of your likelihood of developing prostate cancer, but this is NOT the whole story.

Ways to Mitigate Your Risk Factors

The three main risk factors are pretty much out of your control. You can’t stop Father Time, you don’t choose your race, and your family history has already occurred.

So let’s look at ways you can counter those 3 main risk factors:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Don’t smoke
  • Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid fats and processed foods
  • Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks
  • Control your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol
  • Avoid Vitamin E and folic acid supplements
  • Try to avoid stress or find ways to manage your stress levels
  • Limit calcium to 1200 mg per day
  • Avoid dairy products and red and processed meats
  • Eat healthy fats like fatty fish and olive oil

This is a tall order, but let’s face it, medical professionals will tell you these are the ways to live a healthy life.

If your race, genetics, and age have already put you at a higher risk for developing prostate cancer, take these steps to lower your risk, and work with a urologist like Andrew Neeb in Bend, OR to manage your risk and have a personalized screening plan.

Contact our board-certified urologist, Dr. Andrew Neeb at (541) 508-7973 to schedule a high-risk consultation at our urology clinic in Bend, OR. During this appointment, we work with patients to develop a personalized plan for screening and managing risk.

When Is The Right Time To Get A Vasectomy?

A vasectomy may seem like a permanent fix to most men as it shuts the door on having any or more children. The truth is, that is not the whole story. Half a million men decide to have a vasectomy each year in the US. The decision begins with when is the right time to get a vasectomy and more importantly, is it right for you?

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Talking To Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction

Talking to your doctor about erectile dysfunction may be embarrassing for some men, and obviously, it is a delicate subject. You may be surprised to learn that 75% of ED causes are physical in nature. So what you may be most worried about may have nothing to do with the cause. Unless and until you discover the “why,” you won’t be able to focus on the “how” to fix the problem.

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Do You Know The Five Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer?

Do you know that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men next to skin cancer? Do you know that the prostate is a vital part of a man’s reproductive system? Do you know men can have both benign and cancerous growths in the prostate gland? Most importantly, do you know the five warning signs of prostate cancer? Every man should know when to take action.

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Shedding Light On Male Infertility

The last thing most men desire is to be forced to open up about their infertility. However, shedding light on male infertility provides some control of their situation. Men can discover exactly what steps they can take to treat the problem and have the family they have always wanted. Here are a number of issues that can negatively or positively affect male fertility.

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